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List of Women Speakers

17 May 2023 2:50 PM | Anonymous

Julie Lassaigne

Title: Secretary General, European Travel Retail Confederation (ETRC)

With over 15 years experience in Brussels, Julie is in her current role responsible for the daily management of ETRC as well as leading advocacy work on key challenges affecting the sector. Julie is the proud recipient of the 2022 Frontier Award for Outstanding Contribution to the travel retail industry.


Judit Balardi  

Title: Marketing Manager

Judit is a seasoned Marketeer with 15 years of experience at Nestle, Philip Morris, and Hershey's. Specializing in Travel Retail in EMEA since 2017, Judit excels in Trade and Customer Marketing, focusing on POS visibility, consumer activations, and product commercialization.


Heidi Van Roon M.B.A. CPHR SHRM

Title: Founder / President SPARK Group of Companies

The SPARK Group is recognized for recruitment in Travel Retail.  Heidi gives voice and leadership to mission critical insights that are anchored in the power of bespoke customer engagement.  In 2021 SPARK won the Frontier Award: “Airport Team of the Year - Americas”. 


Ella Blake

Title: Sales Director - Global Accounts & Americas (Europe, Oceania & Americas)

Ella has been FMCG 14 years  with SME & blue-chip experience in the domestic market across multiple categories for 12 of those. Ella is now involved in the spirits industry as Global Sales Director for Beam Suntory with an incredibly diverse portfolio & team, and able to speak about this exciting category & complex channel.


Mioara Nicoleta Olteanu

Art&Craft Design SRL

Title: Managing Partner

Mioara Nicoleta started her business in 2005 combining three elements: design, opening stores in all Romanian airports, owning 11 brands and having a good understanding of designing and promoting destination products. Mioara Nicoleta is an expert in creating brands and products in the souvenir field.


Barbara Wold – Barbara Wold International

Title: Owner

Barbara is an internationally known speaker and able to speak about retail, hospitality and tourism industries. She is an authority on building business through customer driven strategy and maximizing human assets. Barbara has taught in over twenty countries, 49 states and all U.S. territories.



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